Ecological tale and comedy for all audiences. This show treats with humor and poetry the management of waste by man. The texts of the show come from the writing workshops conducted with children participating in the cultural and educational action to raise awareness…
Category: Shows

A Boxer’s Heart
Theater play for all audiences, original adaptation of a text by Lutz Hübner. The play shows the confrontation between an old man, shelling out gloomy days in a hospital, and a sixteen-year-old boy who has been sentenced to a community sentence and who must paint the old man’s room. Forced to share the same space, the…

Mrs. Claus Tells
Tale for young audiences Who better than Mrs. Claus can tell you about the adventures of Santa Claus? A Christmas fantasy that draws young and old into the whirlwind of winter celebrations.

Spouck the Pirate
Humorous theater show, puppets and music for children and the whole family. Spouck, the pirate lives happily, alone on his wild island. To survive, he plunders the boats that crash on his reefs. Boorish in appearance, he speaks little, laughs, shouts, sings loudly… in an incomprehensible language, with a thunderous tonic accent. One day, his Island becomes too…

The Vegetarian Wolf
Une fable entre noir et blanc mise en théâtre et en musique. LES MOUTONS en bêlant : Un loup ! Un loup ! Ahhh ! Un loouououp ! LE LOUP : Pourquoi me regardez vous comme des boeufs ? N’avez vous jamais vu un loup brouter ? LE CONTEUR : Les moutons étaient bouche bée. Le loup mange-t-il ou non…

Strange, Foreign
A “strangely serious” show in which three strangers set off in pursuit of a puzzle: Defining strangeness. MARGARET knocks on the door . PECORINA: Who’s there? MARGUERITE: I’m a foreigner and I want to make friends with you. PECORINA opens the door : It is better to make friends at home MARGUERITE: But you, are you at home? PECORINA:…

Haligali and the Princess
Wandering between theater and storytelling, where languages are an element of freedom PRINCESS: You should tell the gardener to prune the brambles. HALIGALI: The gardener is sleeping! THE PRINCESS: And the cook, what did she cook for us? HALIGALI: The cook also sleeps, here it is Haligali who cooks, simsalabim. I am a witch with…

Tissa, the Sky Spinner
Tale in two voices in a setting which, according to the story, weaves itself into music. A hole in the heavens, a fall to Earth, an encounter with a star shepherd. He is looking for his lost herd… She is trying to find her brother. But how to do it ? Tissa the sky spinner…

Kako Le Geek
Theater for young audiences where comedy and world music serve an itinerant quest. Too busy with video games and now we forget to feed the cat. Chat where are you? is called to the rescue for a necessary investigation with the help of a “felinologist” obsessed with Egypt. But where is the cat? In the folds…